Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ramblings and other Tuesday Observations

This is why I don't keep journals. I always get discouraged if I don't write something every day or so, as if I'm slacking. Or if I'm not slacking, then it must be I'm so boring I don't have anything worth writing about anyway, so why did I even start a journal in the first place?

No one should wander out alone in my brain. It's a treacherous place, honestly. Go in groups. Take swords.

I have been reading, even if I don't have any reviews here right now. I may do a review on the Nora Roberts' trilogy I just read, which most everyone else has too. But the reviews of the newest books I've gotten lately, those will probably go to The Romance Dish. I've gotten quite a selection so I hope to have new reviews soon for everyone. So you guys can still be assured I'm still literate. I'm not a complete drooling mass who only googles pictures of Tom Hiddleston all day. (Though admittedly it's probably a close thing.)

Here is my current project at home. Not the quilt (which is still unfinished in the whole quilting phase part of it.) Nope, now it's painting all the time and the Brene Brown class, which is art journaling for the soul and she has an assignment every week so you can't fall too behind. Writing prompts. Always helpful.

It's still in process. It's supposed to be Lancelot and the Lady of Shalott. Again I have cut out the unfortunate aspects of their hands until I can "fix" them. Mostly I work on the faces first...so there's a lot to do here...but so far, I'm liking the faces so far.

What have you all been up to?


  1. The painting is looking so good! And there is nothing wrong with hunting up Tom Hiddleston pics. Or gifs. Or videos of him saying just about anything. Or dancing. The dancing ones are good.

    What were we talking about?

  2. The GIF of him dancing with his snake hips move. *squeeks* Just darling.

  3. Wow, Hellie! Awesome painting. I lean more towards stick figures myself. Never had much of an artistic bent.

    I've been knee deep in prom and graduation preparations for the daughter. I know I really sound like an old fart but all this stuff has gotten way out of control! We started looking at prom dresses in February and I nearly had a coronary when I saw the price tags - $350-$500. Fortunately my daughter takes after her father and can squeeze a penny til it cries. It was touch and go there for a while, though. She finally decided on wearing her BFF's dress from last year and altering it. Total cost - $50. For someone who didn't go to her prom the cost and fanfare is seeming a bit ridiculous to me.

    I have read a couple of really good books recently. Both of Donna Thorland's American Revolution books are awesome - THE TURNCOAT and THE REBEL PIRATE. Sarah Mayberry's latest, HER KIND OF TROUBLE, was very good. Right now I'm in the middle of EJ's THREE WEEKS WITH LADY X and enjoying it very much.
