But where I went wrong is thinking all inspirational novels
are like that. For years, I went to the library and would be drawn to a lovely
cover and a promising story and I’d look at the publisher—and if it was an
inspirational publisher, I’d put it back. Imagine all the stories I’ve been
missing all this time. I know!
So at the RWA conference this year, I went to a workshop
called Bare Naked Plotting. (How can you not like something with the word naked
in it?) And color me shocked when I realized our teacher wrote inspirational
novels (and she used the word naked!) On top of it, she used the movie IRONMAN
to explain plotting and identity and essence—and anyway, I immediately decided
I’d found a soul sister. She revolutionalized the whole concept for me, as well
as concept of what makes an inspirational an inspirational. I dearly wanted to
win one of the books, and I even said a little prayer, hoping my name would
come out. And it did—the first name drawn—apparently God had been dying to have
me read an inspirational for years.
On the flight home, I read TIFFANY GIRL (which is about 500
pages) and just could not put it down. It was funny. It was touching. It was
sweet. It was ROMANTIC. But the most shocking thing of all, it was sexy. I
mean, seriously, seriously sexual tension sexy! I think they kissed twice, but
there’s a scene where they’re making a “phenakistascope”, which is a 19th
century version of the modern GIF. Anyway, they’re posing in various stances
for the waltz that will make up the pictures for this thing and let me tell
you, Sylvia Day couldn’t have packed more sexual tension and “sex” into a scene
where everyone was fully clothed. It was just fabulous. And romantic. And I
wanted to tell everyone about this book and scene so they’d run out and get the
Now, meanwhile there is an actual story going on, and I was
impressed (and horrified) at how much tribulation Ms. Gist put the characters
through. Everyone suffered, constantly, and just when you thought, “YAY! Things
are finally turning around!” something even worse would happen. Becoming a New
Woman (or the equivalent of the modern woman in the gay 1890s) definitely
wasn’t all it was cracked up to be; however, Flossie Jayne is one plucky
heroine who is easy to root for; and Reeve Wilder is exactly the sort of kind
yet exasperating hero you want for her.
Anyway, as you might guess, they get married, and I honestly
thought where they kiss at the wedding was the end of the book. Inspirationals,
as you know, don’t have sex. But Ms. Gist takes us a chapter further, and we
have another scene, much like the “phenakistascope” scene, and while she lives
up to the requirements of an inspirational novel, she gives those of us Readers
who want to see what happens behind closed doors just a bit more. Yes, a tender, worthy
Christian husband, but still a man who can’t keep his hands off his beautiful
wife. A story that focuses on the sex positive aspects I expect from a modern
romance novel.
Definitely go find this book, especially if you’re like me
and thought all inspirationals were the same.